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Student Emergency Fund

As the region navigates the new realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, the students of Sauk Valley Community College will be able to turn to the SVCC Student Emergency Fund to address critical needs. The fund focuses on supporting student needs during the global pandemic—whether educational or personal.

To accomplish this, SVCC is raising funds to cover education-related expenses, food and toiletries, transportation needs, and other costs associated with life circumstances for students.

 “To help students adjust to changing learning realities and changing financial circumstances, we hope this fund will alleviate some of the anxiety our students may be experiencing during this time of uncertainty,” said President Dave Hellmich. “We respect that our donors may need time to adjust to these challenging times. If you are able at this time to make a gift, we ask that you direct your generosity to the Student Emergency Fund."

SVCC students may use this resource to reduce a financial barrier associated with life circumstances during the COVID-19 outbreak, including:

  • Aiding in educational-related expenses as SVCC moves to online classes; needs related to remote/online learning, including, but not limited to laptop rentals, purchases of internet subscriptions, and software;
  • Assisting students who may need to travel to and from work;
  • Helping cover unmet financial costs due to loss of employment such as rent or utility bills.

Please visit svcc.edu/give to give today, scroll down, and choose the Student Emergency Fund in the drop down menu.
